So I've finished my day of travelling. I can never make my mind up about travelling? Before I start I'm excited. Who will I see on my adventure? What will I see on my travels? Today flying back I spotted that the plane I was in over took another plane.
But towards the end I'm always exhausted. Even having a mini siesta out on the balcony, in the Sun, I'm still now a little tired. (Although that might have more to do with drinking vodka until 1am and getting up 4 hours later my flight.)
Visiting Runcorn, my new old home, was a lot more enjoyable then I had hoped. I was pretty much packed and busy every day with very little time to myself, so much so that I
missed out on Doctor Who. (No one tell me what happened).
Which is what I needed after a month of solitude.
Highlight was getting my dad to do his own
Arrested Development "chicken dance." Which you can see here, the right way up and although you might not be able to hear him he is saying "Clucky-clucky-clucky".
But just generally catching up with family, old friends, surprise last minute catch ups with longer lost friends is what just what I needed.
Unfortunately I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to. Those that I did meet up with I wanted to spend more time with them.
But I know that when I return not every day is going to be as packed as the last 10. But if it's half as packed as the last 10 then I'll be pleased.
The problem is I now have 5 more weeks in the Fortress of Solitude (broken up by a mini visit by my mum) before heading back to UK. Let's hope that nothing bad happens to Runcorn in the mean time.
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