Sometimes life on Earth amazes me. It amazes me at just how mental it can be sometimes.
Take for example the recent fantastic game Mario Galaxy on the Wii. Some of it's level design is so insane you have to stop for a few moments to ask your self "am I really supposed to do that? Lets try....Wow, I was"
Then I think the people who designed this level, what the hell were they thinking? They must go to work while taking acid, having not slept for three days and live somewhere really obscuse lke i a lighthouse or Runcorn.
Or I learnt while reading the astounding Bill Bryson book A Brief History of Nearly Everything (excellent book about everything, go buy it) There is so much mental scientific crap in there. The one that stood out to me was some really old chaps wanted to find out the mass of the Earth. First of all who the hell wants to know the mass of the Earth? Whats that knowledge going to accomplish? But whats more mental is someone actually figured out a way to weigh the Earth's mass. Someone went away, and made up a plan on how they could go about doing what people wouldn't normally do.
Obviously the scales in the bathroom wouldn't work so someone figured out by hanging a weight on a piece string over the edge of a cliff you could find out the weight of the Earth.
(I don't know if this method works, but people seem to believe it)
And take today. The BBC are reporting on a domestic dog that can do fancy balancing tricks. Now I don't know what is more crazy, the fact that the BBC are reporting on this or that someguy one day tried to balance four cups on his dogs paws or can my dog balance a cup of tea on his head while balancing a gold ball on a spoon which is in his mouth (see pics). What madness does a man have to go through to think up this stuff?
44 minutes ago
Ahhhh I have found you, forgot to update my feedy thingie so I wasn't getting your blog.
I read about the balancing dog today, can't wait to get home so I can see what I can do with mine. The PDSA will have a heyday.
Joski, you have some catching up to do. I'll be testing you later on the previous two weeks of my life.
oh! poor little dog
love Bryson - you ever read "A Walk in the Woods?" Great book.
I am so addicted to that mario game
Lmao, genius insulting of Runcorn. What a horrid place if ever there were one. mmmmmm chemicals.
Pinkosa; do you not think he enjoyed it?
Surviving; Yeah Walk in the Woods was my first Bryson book. His friend, Katz, is genius.
Shameless; Galaxy is a beautiful game. Its like how all games should be, just fun to play. The missus is always playing as player2.
Boy; Its my home town and where I grew up. It will always have a place in my heart. Although I am a bit pleased to have left :)
It is a mad mad world!
when you put it that way.... the world really is nuts.
Betty; yep yep. They could make a song of that.
Katanal; thats not even scratching the surface. You should read the Bill Bryson book I mentioned, that has tonnes of bonkers stuff in it.
I only read the first chapter of it before i went cross eyed and steam started coming out of my ears... I just couldn't get me head around it!
I think if everyone was in a similar headspace to these people the world would be awesome. Imagine if you had to climb up a tree and get a key off a squirrell before you could start your car every morning.
Or something like that...
A brief history of nearly everything is an awesome book. So much crazy knowledge... One day I want to be an old man that knows all these random pieces of information and tells everyone about them over a glass of sherry.
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