Tuesday, 27 April 2010

My new toy

So I've just gotten back from the garage and have (eventually) returned with a new toy.

This is my new motor. I can now get away, around and enjoy more of my new surroundings now that I have a full drivers licence and car. So happy right now.

Although getting it was a little more difficult then it should of been.
Having agreed a price yesterday I was told to call today to make sure it had passed it's M.O.T. Once I was told it was done I said I'd be around in a few minutes and asked if they accepted card? That's where things got a little difficult. They didn't. They said that they could drive me in to nearby Melton, around 10 miles away, to get to the bank. Just as we were getting in to Melton we, me and salesman, learnt that my bank had closed it's branch in this area.
So seeing as the salesman was bored we agreed to head over to Grantham, around 15 miles away. We had more luck with a bank there.

Once I had returned to the garage, with money I signed all the papers, got my keys and left for a little ride.

I decided to drive up to near by and easy to get to Bingham and grab some food while out. A few miles in I realised that I had virtually no petrol. And seeing as I've only lived in the Vale for a few months, never driven, I was pretty limited on my knowledge of petrol stations. In fact the only one I could be sure of was a few metres away from the pub. The place I had just left. But it's hard finding somewhere to turn around on country lanes. So I had to keep driving. And driving. And driving. Luckily I got to turn around, got back to Harby and filled my now empty car with some petrol....I hope it is a petrol car and not a diesel....hmmmmm :-(

So now, all I have to do is learn the roads, where things are, especially petrol stations. Get a dangling dice mirror thing.

Oh and decide if I'm going to name the car?


Posted via email from itsmoirob's posterous


Anonymous said...

Best advice in the world: invest in a proper GPS / Sat Nav - like a Tom Tom One. Not only will it tell you how to get from A to B but it can also tell you where the petrol stations are and how far away from you.

Soup said...

My diesel Ford Focus has a 'diesel' sticker on the inside of the fuel cap... I think all the diesel models do so don't worry about that :)

It's a great car.

That said, I pick up my new Honda Civic on Saturday. Had I known you were looking for a Focus, I'd've sold you mine!! Great condition. Ah well.

Enjoy your freedom. Well, your extended freedom :)

Robbie said...

@Puntuation I have an Android phone, once HTC pull their finger out and update the firmware I'll be able to use the free navigation that comes with google maps.
But I do have an app that gives me directions and distances to various things, including petrol stations. Would still be nice to know all petrol stations within in 10 miles of me.

@Soupy Thats good that they do that. Definitely didn't see a sticker. Flat mate has taken it for a quick spin and it still seems to work. Guess my huntch was right.
The thing is, the little garage I got it from I wasn't even interested in the Focus until I got to see it in the flesh and drive it. Was much much better the the Xsara and 206. Very pleased with my choice.

Anonymous said...

Cars should have girls names, I think you'll find that is the rule ;)

Robbie said...

@perpetual Funny you should say that, as the sales guy was taking me to get money he did refer to it as a "her."

Shelby said...

Trendy. & Congrats on passing the test & getting a new "motor" (<-much classier than the terms we use here.. like "ride" and "whip")... Although quite honestly I just say car.

& I think you should name it. Except.. How do you know if it's a boy or girl car? Hmm...